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Beetle Time, Last Minute Father's Day Gift & Tecka in March




It’s hard to believe but June is almost half over. There's still some Sulphur’s at dark and crane flies in the afternoons and the extended weather forecast is up in the high eights to low nineties. Always keep in mind that the hotter the daytime temperatures are, the more land born insect activity we see... Ants, beetles, and inch worms become more active and become more available to the trout. As a fishing guide I rely on Jim's Real Beetles, Cathy's Super Beetles, Foam Black Ants, and of course, sinking Inch Worms to get my clients into fish. This will be my main stay for most of the summer here on Fishing Creek, my home stream. Oh, and I almost forgot crane flies which can be a lifesaver in the right conditions.


If you're still in search of the perfect gift for Father's Day, we've got you covered. We can email you a printable gift certificate for a day of guiding or one of our other programs in no time. Just email Susie & Brooke at before Saturday at noon and we'll make sure you're covered. It's what every fishing Dad wants anyway!


Without question, Tecka has become one of our best and most popular Patagonia departures. Take a quick look at our website or go on Frontiers site and you’ll see why. Ninety-two miles of private water. Rivers, spring creeks, lagoons and Monster Lake - Tecka has it all . We have a few openings for our March 2025 departure and if you're up for it, you can start your Argentine trip with me by spending four days on the Limay River a tailwater fishery famous for its large brown. We'll fish the the Limay, come back to Buenos Aires, then fly to Esqual and spend a week at Tecka. This makes a great combination or just do Tecka if that’s all time allows, either way it’s a win win. Would love to have you join me.

TECKA DATES - March 13-24, 2025

LIMAY DATES - March 8-13

Call me at 570-925-2392 or  Ben Hoffman at Frontiers 1-800-245-1950 for more information.

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Beck Photography

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