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Guiding, Inch Worms, & Sage Sonic



Fishing here on our home stream, Fishing Creek, has been extremely good with a lot of 20 inch or larger trout being caught. Had a great March Brown hatch which now is all but over, the good news of course is the inch worms showing up and the Sulphur’s are on each evening providing some great dry fly fishing for the last hour of the day. Call Susie here in the office on Tuesdays or Thursdays for booking a guide-570-925-2392.


As for the hosted trips, we had a cancellation on our Argentine Tecka departure in December so we have an opening. Tecka is without question one of the best of the best with 92 miles of private water. It is world famous. Check it out on our website- would love to have you join us or call me for more information on the departure.



For those of us who live in the east, the inch worm season starts in late May and goes through most of June. These small green worms that fall from bank side trees can produce some incredibly good fishing. I have penned two feature pieces in Fly Fisherman Magazine over the years. The last one was titled When the Worms Fall which was to point out how valuable they are to us as fly fisherman. Sunny, windy days are always the best where the wind can blow the worms loose from the tree leaves and they become available to a hungry trout.

Honestly, I have watched trout move incredibly fast to intercept a sinking inch worm. A great combination is a dry dropper with a super beetle on top and a sinking inch worm on the bottom. This also makes a great search idea to cover water. Always look for tree lined shaded banks where trout have easy access to the falling worms.

A week ago, I saw the first inch worm hanging over the stream on a silk like thread and before the day was over there were at least another dozen hanging. For me as a fishing guide this is great news, and my fly box is loaded with tungsten bead head sinking inch worms and of course a selection of black super beetles.  And by the way this is not a green weenie- this is an imation of the actual inch worm. If you live in inch worm country, its time to get ready.





I love my Sage R8. They're amazing rods that almost cast themselves, but I have been spending some time with a 490 Sonic and this has to be a sleeper in some cases for the Sage line. For the price value in my opinion there is simply nothing out there to compare or

compete with the Sonic. If your in the market for a new rod, and need something in a price point that works for you, please check out the Sonic at your nearest Sage dealer.



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Beck Photography

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