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Spring Guiding & Instruction Now Booking


Guiding & Instruction

Spring must be right around the corner. Sometimes winter doesn't want to let go, but a sure sign of spring around here is a busy phone booking days for guiding and casting lessons, and we've had a lot lately.

Our weekends are going fast but we still have weekdays available. We'll start guiding as soon as the weather is nice so if get a warm spell in March or early April, call us. It just might be a great day on the water!

Look here for more information on guiding, lessons, clinics, and the programs that we offer. We hope to see you.

Tim Cammisa's Improved Pheasant Tail

The pheasant tail nymph is one of our go-to flies in any season and any place where trout are found and here's a new take on a old standby. We have a guide friend who always says, “Use any nymph as long as it's a PT.” Take a look at Tim Cammisa's New Pheasant Tail nymph. Thank you, Tim.

Denver Show this Weekend

If you live in the Denver area, be sure to head over to the Gaylord Rockies Resort & Convention Center for the Denver Fly Fishing Show this weekend. It's one of the biggest fly fishing shows in the world, in the running with Edison, NJ, and you don't want to miss it. It's a fun weekend of seminars, gear, tackle, demonstrations, retailers, destinations, and fly tiers.

For show hours, directions, and a schedule of events, go to

Don't miss it!!

Two more fly fishing shows in Pleasanton, CA, and Lancaster, PA, and then the show season is over for another year. That is definitely a sign of spring! See you next week.

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Beck Photography

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