Travel with Us
Through the uncertainty and challenges of current times, one thing that hasn't changed is our love for travel and finding the world's best fishing spots. If you're ready to get on the water, we hope you'll join us.
Join Us on a Hosted Trip
As trip hosts, it's our job to make sure each trip goes as smoothly as possible. There are things we can't control but you, as our client, have our word that we will do everything possible to give you an amazing trip. When a crisis comes up, and they do from time to time, be assured that someone at Frontiers will be working on a solution for us – sometimes before we know there's a problem! And when there are no problems? Frontiers is the reason for that too. They will have thought of everything ahead of time and smoothed every bump in the road. We've been in some tight spots but there has never been a time when someone back home wasn't working to find a solution for us. We didn't realize, many years ago, what a lucky day it was for us when we first met the folks at Frontiers.
Recent years have been hard on everyone and we have missed the people and places that we regularly visit and while we like to explore new destinations, we also like to return to our favorite rivers, flats, lodges, guides and friends. Along with many of our clients, the people we've met over the years have become family. We've watched kids grow up and we've seen the baton pass from one generation to another with lodge owners and guides. Each return trip is like going home after a long absence and in short, it's good to be on the road again.
If you know us, you know what our favorite destinations are: Argentina (several times a year), Ireland & Scotland, E. Africa Safari, Alaska, Montana, Spain, and Belize. In addition to these we have favorites that we fit into our schedule whenever we can: Mexico, Chile, New Zealand, Bahamas and a few others. You'll find here our current schedule complete with as much information as we have available at this time.
We hope you see something that catches your eye. Please contact us or Frontiers with questions or to inquire about availability. We look forward to having you join us on a trip soon.
“Surely, of all the wonders of the world, the horizon is the greatest.” - Freya Stark
2023-2024 Trips
I'm not an expert angler... can I still go with you on a fishing trip? What should I do to prepare?
Rest assured that not all of our clients are expert anglers. Our trips are designed for anglers of all skill levels. We encourage you to have some experience beforehand, - and we can help with that. Talk to us.
What if I want to visit a destination but cannot go during your trip dates?
Frontiers specializes in helping you plan a trip whether you go by yourself or with a group. If it is to one of our destinations, we can help by making suggestions based on our most recent trip. We all want your trip to be smooth and problem free and will make every effort to see that it does.
I don't have a fishing partner but would like to get the double occupancy rate, what can I do?
It's always best to travel with a friend that you know well, but there are times when we can put two single anglers together if they wish to share a guide and/or a room. Talk to us, we'll see what we can do.
How do you feel about traveling now with Covid?
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